“images Like tulips or blown glass”
—Manhattan dance examiner
Ghosts Revisited (2010)
4-5 dancers, 15 minutes
Ghosts Revisited” expands on Jody Sperling’s decade-plus of work inspired by Loie Fuller. The piece starts simply as the dancers trace geometric forms in the air. Gradually, it grows in complexity as they begin whirling, Dervish-like, through intricate formations. Weaving through each other, the dancer’s silk wings arc and cut folds into the space. At the finale, the five women spin gloriously forming a series of striking vortices suggestive of tulips or tornadoes. Throughout, the costumes catch iridescent rays of ever-shifting illuminations. The captivating score by Quentin Chiappetta draws on shifting gamelan rhythms arranged for cello and piano.
AVAILABLE FOR RESTAGING. This work has been set on students from Barnard College and DeSales University.
MUSIC: Quentin Chiappetta
COSTUMES: Michelle Ferranti
LIGHTING: David Ferri
“Initially symmetrical and in unison, the manipulation of the fabric grew in complexity, finishing with glorious spinning images like tulips or blown glass.”
-Megan Boyd, Manhattan Dance Examiner
Photo by Julie Lemberger